DGII Winner 2015

29. Congress

26. – 28. February 2015

DGII / HOYA-Science award

Prof. Dr. Gernot I. W. Duncker

Publication Price:

Dr. Myriam S. Böhm, O.K. Klaproth, W.J. Mayer, F.H. Hengerer, T. Kohnen for the contribution
Effectiveness and safety of the femtosecond laser-assisted lens surgery


Session Prices:

I. Scientific session: New diagnostics - Biometrics

002 Dr. Erica Paulo
C. Eckardt
(Frankfurt am Main)
Head up - Surgery from the perspective of a young cataract surgeon

III. Scientific session: IOL Cataract

020 Dr. Jeanette Brünner
T. Brockmann, S. Winterhalter, N. Torun, B. Müller, A. M. Joussen, E. Bertelmann
Influence of blue filter lenses on macular diagnostics using multicolor confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscope

VI. Scientific session: Glaucoma: Implants

039 Dr. Nikolaos Bellios
A. S. Bauch, C. Müller, C. Binder, F. Höhn
Results and experiences with the subconjunctival ab interno implant XEN in patients with open-angle glaucoma

VII. Scientific session: Glaucoma: Surgical Procedures

043 Dr. Jan Lübke
M. Neuburger, J. F. Jordan
(Freiburg im Breisgau)
Refractive and visual outcome after combined cataract surgery Trabektom

VIII. Scientific session: SMILE

046 Dr. Detlev Breyer1
H. Kaymak1, K. Klabe1, F.T.A. Kretz2, G.U. Auffarth2
(1Düsseldorf, 2Heidelberg)
Results of ReLEx SMILE compared to femtoLASIK patients with low myopia bon -1 to -3 odpt, odpt

IX. Scientific session: KPL

057 Dr. Carsten L. Thannhäuser
K. Palka, H. Häberle, D.T. Pham
First Clinical Results 6 months after Mikrokeratom- and excimer-gest navigation use tzter endothelial keratoplasty (MELEK)

X. Scientific session: Trifocal MIOL

063 dr. Matthias Gerl
R. Gerl
Clinical experience with the Trifokallinse AT Lisa tri 839MP

XI. Scientific session: Multifocal IOL

073 Dr. Mary Attia
R. Khoramnia, G.U. Auffarth, M.P. Holzer
Evaluation of the reading performance of patients with an apodized diffractive multifocal IOL on Salzburg Reading Desk

XII. Scientific session: Cataract IOL complications

077 Dr. Maceda Gurabardhi1
H. Häberle1, H. Aurich1, L. Werner2, D.T. Pham1
(1Berlin, 2Salt Lake City/USA)
Clouding Foldable Intraocular Lenses: A rare phenomenon?

XIII. Scientific session: Fs-laser results


Dr. Peter Hoffmann
M. Abraham
Efficiency and quality of results of different cutting strategies for femtosecond laser assisiterieter Katrakt-Chrirurgie

XV. Scientific session: Refractive implants

Dr. Bettina C. Thomas1
W. Haigis2, G. U. Auffarth1, M. P. Holzer1
(1Heidelberg, 2Würzburg)
Refractive lens exchange in high myopia: Intrakular lens calculation

XVI. Scientific session: Refractive Surgery

Dr. Parviz Rafiezadeh
W. Azlan, J. Bühren, E.-M. Kohnen, T. Kohnen
(Frankfurt am Main)
Scotopic and mesopic pupil size variables in refractive surgery candidates

XVII. Scientific session: Presbyopia

Dipl.-Ing. Melanie Abraham
P. Hoffmann
Binocular function in pseudophakic patients with micro-monovision
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