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23. Kongress der DGII 2009

Abstracts DGII 2009

IV. Wissenschaftliche Sitzung: Allgemeines/Nachstar/Varia

V 22

New concepts on "no space – no cells"
New information derived from almost 57 years of observation of implanted Ridley lens

Borkenstein AFM1, Apple DJ1, Kleinmann G1, Zaugg B1, Auffarth GU2

1 Laboratories for Ophthalmic Devices Research, Sullivan’s Island, South Carolina (USA)
2 Universitäts-Augenklinik Heidelberg

Purpose: Some authors have noticed that a filling of the capsular bag with a lens or soft material may reduce PCO since the lens fills this space where opaque material normally is situated. This has been seen in animal models and in laboratory experience, but never shown conclusively in clinical studies. However, we have recently made several observations of eyes, containing “Ridley lenses“ that ideally demonstrate that this concept is correct.
Methods: We dida photographic analysis of 6 human eyes containing “Ridley lenses“ implanted between 45years and57years ago. Each show the unusual phenomenonofvirtuallyno PCO.57yearsisa “record“.
Results: In all cases the visual axis was clear because of the presence of the intraocular lens which stopped anygrowth of cells from the peripheral lens equator towards the center, thus preventing cataract formation.
Conclusions: We have presented 6 cases where “Ridley lenses“ have been in place for up to 57 years, with no evidence of cataract formation. This is strong, clinically significant evidence that the presence of the disc-shaped IOL filling the capsular bag blocks anygrowth of cataractious material. This backs up the concept of no space – no cells.

Erschienen in: Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2009; 226: Suppl 1, 1–24
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart - New York; ISSN 1431-634X