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23. Kongress der DGII 2009

Abstracts DGII 2009

VI. Wissenschaftliche Sitzung: QM / Ergebnis-Dokumentation / Katarakt-Chirurgie

R 39

EUREQUO: Quality registry to improve treatment and standards

Lundström M

EyeNet Sweden, Karlskrona (Schweden)

Purpose: EUREQUO is an acronym for European Registry of Quality Outcomes in Cataract and Refractive Surgery. EUREQUO is co-funded by the European Union and the European Society of Cataract & Refractive Surgeons. The purpose of this registry is to improve treatment and standards of care for cataract and refractive surgery and to develop evidence-based guidelines for cataract and refractive surgery across Europe.
Setting: Twelve national societies in cataract and refractive surgery have agreed to promote participation. These societies represent 16 countries in Europe. Methods: Every interested surgeon or clinic in the involved countries can be connected to and report data to this registry either by web-based forms orby direct communication from an existing electronic system. Double entry of data will be avoided. Once the data is recorded, it will be processed and disseminated in the EUREQUO database. The surgeon can follow his/her results over time or anonymously compare the results with other clinics or the entire database. The output of data will be as frequency tables and standard graphs suitable for comparison and audit purpose.
Results: The EUREQUO will facilitate to document and collect patient examination datain daily clinical practice in a structured way. This will increase the surgeon’s knowledge about the real outcomesin cataract patients with different preoperative conditions orin difficult surgery.It will also show the impactof changing technology in refractive procedures. Such information is invaluable in clinical improvement work. It can also be used for audit purpose, for marketing and for giving the patients realistic expectations. To participate in an international database aiming at betterquality of care will also benefit the surgeon when communicating with health care authorities.
Conclusion: A European Registry of Quality Outcome sin Cataract and Refractive Surgery is going to be instituted. This registry - EUREQUO – will facilitate for surgeons to monitor outcomes of cataract and refractive surgery.

Erschienen in: Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2009; 226: Suppl 1, 1–24
Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart - New York; ISSN 1431-634X